Stay Alert and Safe Lives
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As both India and the UK come slowly out of Covid-19 lock-down, it is more important than ever that we all STAY ALERT outside of our home environment.

In addition to essential shopping, EVERYONE of us must stay alert while travelling to/from work and in the workplace observing social distancing rules, wearing of PPE and regular cleaning of touchable surfaces and washing of hands, hair and clothes.

Within the Standard Group of Companies, including S2 Engineering Services, below are TWO of the initial steps we are/have implemented to keep our workforce and stakeholders safe.

#1. Think about Risk

  • Carry out a COVID-19 risk assessment across all areas of the business
  • Communicate the risk assessment with the employees
  • Publish risk assessment

#2. Managing Risk

To reduce risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level by taking preventative measures, in order of priority, by;

  • EVERYONE to frequently wash their hands
  • Frequent cleaning of ALL touchable surfaces
  • Make work from home a first option (where possible) for employees
  • Implement social distancing EVERYWHERE at work and outside of the home environment
  • Ensure EVERYONE understands to ISOLATE themselves at home (and go to hospital where needed) if they have Covid-19 symptoms.

To facilitate this, we have installed additional hand sanitation areas and implemented new cleaning regimes.

It is in ALL our our interests to keep the workplace safe while companies, countries and the world in general gets back to some level of economic stability.

From everyone at the Standard Group - Stay Safe


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